Neue Erkenntnisse zur Vogelspinnen -- Unterfamilie Ornithoctoninae, mit Beschreibung von Ornithoctonus aureotibialis sp. n. und Haplopelma longipes sp. n. (Araneae, Theraphosidae)
New insights to the subfamily Ornithoctoninae are presented and its genera are redefined. Moreover two new species are described, which have been subject of studies by the senior author for many years.Ornithoctonus aureotibialis sp. n. can be distinguished from all other Ornithoctonus species by an orange – golden fringe of hairs on retrolateral side of patella and tibia of leg I and II. The other new species, Haplopelma longipes sp. n., is easily recognised by its very long leg IV (RF < 90) in females.Ornithoctonus aureotibialis sp. n., is long time known in pet trade as Haplopelma sp. “aureopilosum”. It was recently described by SCHMIDT & SAMM 2005 as “Haplopelma chrysothrix”, a name, which is not available according to the ICZN, as no type depository was included in the description. The same happened with “Haplopelma vonwirthi” SCHMIDT 2005, which is unavailable as well, but is most probably a synonym of Haplopelma minax(THORELL 1897).