Schismatothele wayana
Type Locality : BRAZIL, Pará, Jari-Almeirin
Etymology : The name is in honor of the Wayana indigenous group, natives of the eastern region of the Pará State in Brazil.
Male Activity
Seven new species of Schismatothele Karsch, 1879 (Araneae, Theraphosidae) are described,
almost doubling the diversity of the genus: S. caeri sp. nov.; S. caiquetia sp. nov.; S. merida sp. nov.;
S. moonenorum sp. nov.; S. quimbaya sp. nov.; S. timotocuica sp. nov. and S. wayana sp. nov. An
identification key for all species of Schismatothele (except S. kastoni) is presented, as well as a
complementary diagnosis for the genus. Also, a standardized nomenclature is proposed to describe the
prolateral keels of male palpal bulbs of species of Schismatothele.
European Journal of Taxonomy 861: 78-112