Etymology : A patronym in honour of Guy Tansley, in recognition of his notable contributions to the understanding of theraphosid ecology through his extensive fieldwork.
The taxonomic placement of species within the genus Pseudhapalopus
Strand, 1907 is addressed and revised in a modern context
alongside other similar taxa. The genotype Pseudhapalopus
aculeatus Strand, 1907 is proposed as a species inquirenda.
Cymbiapophysa gen. nov. is established to house Cymbiapophysa
velox (Pocock, 1903) comb. nov. and Cymbiapophysa
yimana sp. nov., based on palpal bulb, tibial apophyses, palpal
tibial, and spermathecal morphology. Spinosatibiapalpus gen.
nov. is established to house Spinosatibiapalpus spinulopalpus
Schmidt & Weinmann, 1997 comb. nov., Spinosatibiapalpus
tansleyi sp. nov. and Spinosatibiapalpus trinitatis comb. nov.
based on palpal bulb, tibial apophyses, palpal tibial, and spermathecal
morphology. Pseudhapalopus trinitatis pauciaculeis
(Strand, 1916) is proposed as a junior synonym of Spinosatibiapalpus
trinitatis syn. nov. based on indistinguishable palpal
bulb, tibial apophysis, and palpal tibial morphology. Bumba pulcherrimaklaasi
(Schmidt, 1991) is proposed as a nomen
dubium due to the condition of the holotype and an inadequate
original description. The monotypic species Miaschistopus tetricus
(Simon, 1889) is redescribed with an emended generic diagnosis.
New aspects of palpal bulb morphology are considered
with introduction of novel terminology.