Type Locality : Brazil, state of Bahia, Mata de São João, Arembepe
Etymology : The specific epithet refers to the Sapiranga Private Heritage Reserve (RPPN) in Mata de São João, state of Bahia, a typical area where the species occurs.
Brazil is the country with the most diverse tarantula (Theraphosidae) fauna, having 215 described
species. Vitalius Lucas, Silva Júnior & Bertani, 1993 is one of the most diverse and common genera in Southern,
Southeastern and Central-West regions of Brazil with ten described species. Individuals of Vitalius species are
large and widespread in areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. A single species is known to occur in areas of
Cerrado vegetation. Herein, two new species are described from areas of restinga, coastal areas typically with
low vegetation and sandy soil, in the coast of the states of Rio de Janeiro (Vitalius restinga sp. nov.), Bahia and
Sergipe (Vitalius sapiranga sp. nov.). Males and females of these two new species have a much longer than
wide sternum. Males have a short apical keel in the male palpal bulb. The two species can be distinguished by
embolus width, slender in V. restinga sp. nov. and thicker in V. sapiranga sp. nov. Females can be distinguished
by the spermathecae shape, slender in V. restinga sp. nov. and broader in V. sapiranga sp. nov. These are the
first known theraphosids endemic to Brazilian Atlantic Coast restingas. Biological data indicate V. sapiranga
sp. nov. and maybe V. restinga sp. nov. commonly use bromeliads as retreats. It is herein hypothesized they are
sister species occupying similar habitats in Brazilian coast, but separated by ca. 1,000 kilometers.